

Offener Brief aka Hilfe

Da ich bei Michael mitfühlen kann, möchte ich ihm bei seinem offenen Brief an Steve Jobs helfen:

Dear Steve,
First of all: I really hope, your are doing well.
I always appreciate your open letters on topics that need clarification or have to be thought provoking. I allow myself to use the same medium to talk to you.
We, the developers, are aware of your wish and your motivation to create a unified user experience on the Mac, the iPhone and the software that runs on Macs and iPhones. We support you in every way we can.
We, the developers, are aware that the tremendous success of the iPhone and the AppStore is mainly based on the unified user experience. We think in the same direction, we love this platform due to the same reasons. Thus, we understand why not all applications make it into the AppStore at all or why we have to touch them up before they a available in the AppStore.
What we do not understand is how you communicate with us. To put it bluntly: We experience a lack of communication in case there is a problem.
The iPhone and the AppStore wouldn’t be such a tremendous success, if there aren’t so many great crafted applications and if there aren’t so many developers, who craft for weeks and months terrific applications for this terrific platform. We give our craftwork into your hands for review – in good faith.
In case there are no complains, everything runs smooth and after a short time the application is available in the AppStore. Woe betide someone’s application causes trouble. In that case we get no feedback for weeks and, sorry to say this, often for months.
No feedback.
No feedback upon request.
No feedback even upon an additional request.
We, the developers, understand and accept, that in case an application has defects, it does not provide the unified user experience or if there are objections concerning the security for the iPhone or the whole platform we have to touch it up. Just let us know.
But why do you abandon us. How frustrating must it feel for long-time ADC members and programming veterans to get no feedback for weeks and months.
To get no feedback at all means no chance for us to touch up the application we crafted on for weeks and months.
Steve, please make sure, that we, the developers, get the same unified experience that all your customers are used to. In case the review-team is understaffed to respond in a timely manner with reviews, decisions and communication, get qualified people on board. In case there is a lack of guidelines for decision making, get together and flesh them out. In case it really takes such a long time to decide upon ones application, do the same thing people around the world love Apple for – simplify it.
First and foremost, reengineer the way of communicating with us.

Steve, your attention is most appreciated. I look forward to the day it becomes even more fun to develop applications for the iPhone.


Michael | MOApp

Author: Arne

Arne Blog zu: MBE-Studium, Arbeit, Mac, TYPO3, ...

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